3 15:31:42.735 TestGenerator: symbol EURUSD period 15 model 0 from 2017.03.01 to 2017.03.31
2 15:31:42.739 2017.03.01 00:00:00 SuperTrend inputs: InitLots=0.1; Spread=20; TrendGap=59; TrendPeriod=68; OSCGap=5; OSCPeriod=9; OSCLevel=10; SLPeriod=68; DirectCloseLevel=15; ProfitPoint=15; MAGIC=8888888;
1 15:31:42.782 2017.03.01 00:00:00 SuperTrend EURUSD,M15: array out of range in 'SuperTrend.mq4' (140,13)
3 15:31:42.783 2017.03.01 00:00:00 Testing pass stopped due to a critical error in the EA
0 15:31:42.783 EURUSD,M15: 1 tick events (1 bars, 2734965 bar states) processed in 0:00:00.047 (total time 0:00:00.047)